So, without further ado, here are the movies for all of you to choose from, with a little blurb of what I know about each one to follow.
The Ruins – Based on the nest selling novel of the same name. A group of people go out traveling, find some ruins and the plants all come to life.
Splice – From what I know this is similar to Species. It seems to have a love it/hate it type of reaction to it. Supposedly there is some pretty disturbing imagery.
Dark Night Of The Scarecrow – An old 70s TV movie that is supposed to be creepy beyond belief. Sounds cool, aside from the whole “TV movie from the 70s” thing. Most of those were made of 100% cheese.
Machete – This is a tribute/satire/spoof of the old 70s/80s grindhouse action exploitation flicks. The original mock trailer was shown at the beginning of the Quentin Tarantino/Robert Rodriquez flick Grindhouse. It stars the wonderful Danny Trejo, which is reason alone to watch it.
Let Me In – US remake of the now classic Swedish film titled Let The Right One In. In all honesty I have yet to see the original. I have it here, but have heard that the subtitles on the DVD are crap and not the ones from the theatrical release, which means I had no interest in seeing it.
Drag Me To Hell – Sam Raimi’s return to horror.
I Sell The Dead – A black comedy inspired by those two lovable scamps Burke and Hare.
The Roost – I think it has something to do with killer birds. I think. Cool cover for the DVD.
Legion – Angels and demon type of things, I think. It looks cool, but I could see it actually sucking pretty bad.
The House Of The Devil – Tribute to 70s Satan flicks!!!
So let’s end it there for now.
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