Monday, November 21, 2011

Draculas - Strand, Crouch, Wilson, and Kilborn.

Really quick, I just want to give a quick tip o' the hat to the book I am immersed in right now.

Draculas might be one of the most over-the-top books I have read. I am not so sure I have ever read a book that has one speed, and one intensity level only, before. In our first chapter we are introduced to Mortimer, an elderly gent who is dying of cancer. Mort's idea of a cure is to buy up a recently found skull that is thought to be the skull of Dracula. Mort's plan? Why clamp the thing to his throat and see what happens!

What happens is pretty much the entire rest of the book. Mort executes his plan within the first few pages of the book, and the rest of the book is a hospital trying to deal with what he did. What he did was create a draculas outbreak that is just non-stop carnage.

The book is a group effort by Jeff Strand, Jack Kilborn, F. Paul Wilson, and Blake Crouch. Each author handles a chapter a piece. Each chapter is broken into different characters. Remember sitting in class and writing a sentence, then passing it to a friend and having them add a sentence, then they pass it to somebody else and they add a sentence, until the story gets back and what is left is a wacky little tale? That is what has been done here, or so it seems. Does it work? Yes, the feel of fun is all over this book. It is more than obvious that the writers were having a blast, and the reader is right there along with them. Just don't expect anything enlightening, and the ride will be a ton of fun.

The book, by the way, is only available digital, so some form of digital reading device is needed.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Idle for so long.

I am not too sure how many folks out there might be reading this blog, but I still feel I owe a bit of an explanation. This blog has taken a back seat while I am finishing up my current sememster at Northern Illinois University. Once I am done with the current sememster I will be finding myself with almost too much time on my hands, so this blog will be taking off with quite a bit more material.

At the same time, however, part of one of my current classes projects is to create a blog. So that one has currently been taking up my time. That one can be accessed at The site, for the time being, is a reflection of the art class I am involved in. That site will see a topic shift once the semester ends. Eventually that site will be host to two things. First, it will be a location for things that used to appear in my former fanzine, Sonic Ruin. I will be adding reviews and music related items as they come to me. Second, that site will also be the running blog for the "album" I will be working on starting in the next few weeks. Well, I started on it about 6 months ago, but with the coming slow down of school, I intend to dive further into it than I ever did before.

So, there you have it. Yes, exciting stuff, I know. I am a man of adventure, what can I say?